"Don't be a Sheep"
My non-JW mother kept trying to tell me that. Unfortunatety, though, that only got my back up and made me more determined to stick to my guns!
After finally bracing myself and making The Move 19 years ago, I spent a considerable number of years getting back in touch with the person I was before the Watchtower Madness had taken hold. That process was finally completed six or seven years ago.
One of the realisations I had during this process was that beforehand, I had known many very non-JW people:
- ones who were better individuals than a lot of the JWs I had to deal with.
Furthermore, these same persons were happy to welcome me back, even though they must have once thought that I had taken complete leave of my senses!
i.e. their forgiveness was genuine, not switched on / switched off by a bunch of old fogies in New York, who would have you believe that they are the sole channel between God and the human race!